
最近在找一些貓咪轉向攻擊(redirected aggression,見註一.)的資料時,發現很多網友都提到Pam Johnson-Bennett這號人物,店長之前沒聽過,趕快Google一下。找到官網後才發現原來Pam在美國是一個非常有名的貓科動物行為專家。原本只是單純喜歡貓咪的她、因為養了貓咪而進一步的去研究貓咪的各種行為,進而成為專家,推翻了一般人認為"貓就是任性、無法管教"的傳統印象。Pam總共出了七本書(可看官網右邊),除了hiss and tell 以及cat vs cat這兩本店長不確定是否有中譯本,其他的博客來都有。店長有買其中一本"Psycho Kitty : Tips for Solving Your Cat’s “Crazy” Behavior"(中譯:內有惡貓 貓咪行為講座),裡面大致上是探討貓咪的各種惡劣行為背後其實在在都透露出他所想要表達的。不過書也剛訂還沒拿到,屆時再提供讀書心得報告給各位貓奴囉^^

那這篇其實是店長看了一下官網中有個Common Issues,裡面有許多養貓常會遇到的問題。當然對很多養貓老手來說,有一些問題可能靠自己的經驗會獲得解決,不過對新手來講,卻可能是正在面臨、而不知道該如何是好的。所以店長很不自量力的想說那就把它翻譯一下好了,讓養貓新手們可做個參考。店長的英文並沒有非常的好,所以也是盡力而為的翻(有些句子店長只會翻出句子的意思,但不會"逐字翻譯"~你知道,有些句子規規矩矩的"逐字翻譯"就是很奇怪..),全部都有附上原文,也是希望如有發現翻譯錯誤,請務必來信(或留言指正,因為店長並不希望傳達錯誤的訊息給大家!謝謝囉

Common Issues

1. How much food should I feed my cat? 該餵貓咪吃多少飼料?

When trying to determine an appropriate amount, there are several factors to consider:
- the cat’s age 貓咪的年齡
- the cat’s health 貓咪的健康狀況
- body type 貓咪的體型
- activity level 貓咪的活動力
- type of food being fed 餵食的飼料種類(店長note. 如處方飼料與一般飼料餵食量不同,成貓與幼貓飼料的量也不同)
- whether the cat is pregnant or nursing 貓咪是否在懷孕或哺乳中

Label instructions are general guidelines. Your individual cat may require more or less based on the above factors. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on what your cat’s ideal weight should be and how to make any necessary and safe adjustments to the current nutritional program.

2.My cat hates getting into his carrier. How can I get him to accept it?

One of the most common reasons a cat hates the very sight of the carrier is because it’s usually only brought out when it’s time for a visit to the veterinarian. You certainly can’t blame a cat for not wanting to happily hump right in there. Begin the training process by leaving the carrier out in the room. The best type of carrier to use for this training is the plastic kennel with the front entry grill door. Keep the door open and line the bottom of the carrier with a folded towel. Once the cat is used to the presence of the carrier you can begin the second phase of training. Place a treat near the carrier or you can feed him his meal nearby. Make sure you start at a safe enough distance so the cat remains in his comfort zone. When she’s comfortable with that you can place the treat closer to the carrier. Gradually work up to placing the treat inside the carrier. 貓咪一看到提籠就討厭的其中一個常見的原因是因為通常進提籠就是要去獸醫院。你絕對不能因為貓咪不想快樂的去獸醫院而去  責備他。訓練的步驟是首先把提籠放在房間裡(文中"room"的意思是指貓咪的生活空間,讓貓咪習慣"提籠"這個物品)。最好的提籠款式是塑膠製而且有門的那種(店長note.這句翻得很隨便,因為希望大家直接看圖↓,圖都幫大家抓好了)。平常把籠門打開,並在籠底鋪上毛巾(文中提到是"摺好"的,應該也就是請大家不要隨便丟進去,好歹摺一下)。一旦貓咪習慣了提籠的存在,就可以進行下一階段訓練。在提籠附近放個小點心或者讓貓咪在提籠附近用餐。要確定放置小點心或是貓咪用餐的點仍在貓咪覺得安心的範圍內(店長note.也就是不要一開始就離籠子太近,讓貓咪產生戒心)。當貓咪覺得安心時,就可以慢慢將小點心移到離籠子近一點的地方,之後漸漸的將小點心試著移到籠內。


The third phase of training comes next. This is where you toss a treat in the carrier, the cat goes in and you gently and casually shut the door for a few seconds. Next, lift the carrier up and walk around the room. The point of this whole procedure is to show your cat that the appearance of the carrier doesn’t always indicate a veterinarian visit and that the carrier itself can be a positive or at least neutral experience. 接下來進入第三個階段。當貓咪被提籠裡的小點心吸引後走入提籠時,輕輕的、慢慢的將籠門關上幾秒鐘。接下來,將提籠提起,然後在房間走個幾圈。這整個流程的重點在於讓你的貓咪知道提籠並不總是代表去醫院,它也可以是代表正向或至少是中立的一種體驗。

Take your cat for short rides in the car (around the block or to the bank drive-thru) and reward him with a treat or part of her meal when you return home. 提著你的貓去兜個小風(到街上繞繞或者是銀行的免下車)(店長os.台灣好像沒有銀行有免下車服務~~總之就是提著你的貓出去晃一下的意思),並在回來時給他個小點心或者讓他小吃一頓當作獎勵。

3.Why has my cat suddenly become so vocal? 為什麼我的貓突然變得這麼愛叫?

Your cat may also be in pain so make sure she has been checked out by the veterinarian. If the excessive vocalization is a change from your cat’s normal behavior, be sure you make an appointment with the veterinarian. 你的貓可能身體正在不舒服,所以請確定貓咪已經就醫確診健康無虞。如果這過度的嚎叫是來自正常行為上的改變(店長note.也就是之前都好好的,卻突然變得很愛叫),請務必就醫。(店長note.這整段的重點就是請你帶貓咪去看醫生)

If you have a Siamese or other breed known for being talkative, then you might as well skip over this answer because she’s not going to change. Siamese cats love to provide running narratives on their daily activities and aren’t shy about voicing opinions. Know this and accept it. 如果你有養暹邏或者其他以"聒噪"聞名的品種貓,那你可能可以跳過這題的回答,因為對這些貓來說可能沒用。暹羅貓喜歡對人們訴說他們每天做了些甚麼、發生了甚麼事情,對於意見表達一點都不會害臊。(店長note.也就是暹羅貓有喜歡說話聊天的天性)你必須理解這點並接受它。

Other cats may become vocal for several reasons. Mostly it’s a surefire way of getting your attention. When the less subtle method of staring you down, walking back and forth across your sleeping body or sitting on your chest doesn’t do the trick, nonstop meows usually work. The odds are that because she is born with patience, determination and unrelenting persistence, you’ll eventually cave in and give her what she wants. It may take five minutes of meowing, but she now knows that as long as she doesn’t give up, you’ll give in. Whether it’s to be let outside, fed, or petted, she knows that you know the only way to quiet her is to surrender. How do you change this behavior? Don’t reward negative behavior. Instead of rewarding her meowing, redirect her with interactive toy before she begins to vocalize. The key is to retain the behavior before it actually materializes. Redirect the behavior while it’s still a thought in her head that hasn’t been acted upon yet. 其他貓變的愛叫有幾個原因。大部分是為了吸引你的注意。當目光注視、在你睡覺時踩著你前前後後走來走去或者睡在你的胸前等這些很一般的方式都沒效,不停的喵~喵~叫通常都有用。這招成功的秘訣在於貓天生就是特別有耐心、有毅力而且有一種絕對不會讓步的鬼固執,你最後一定會屈服然後給他想要的。可能本來只會叫5分鐘,但是現在貓咪知道只要他不要放棄,你就會投降。不管是要出去玩、要討食或者要討摸,他知道你知道唯一讓他閉嘴的方式就是"投降"。(店長note. 不知道為什麼翻到這好生氣!沒錯貓就是這樣) 重點來了,你要怎麼改變這個行為?不要獎勵、鼓勵他這種機車的行為,可以在他開始要叫時用一些互動式的玩具來導正他、轉移他的注意力。這個方式的關鍵在於在這種負面行為成熟前先阻止住它。在它還是貓咪小腦袋裡的一個想法、還沒被覆諸行動時先導正他。(店長note.也就是做思想改造!)

Your cat may be vocalizing due to insufficient stimulation. Make sure you’re engaging in daily interactive play sessions and that you are leaving enough activities available for her when you aren’t home. A cat tree that overlooks a bird feeder is a good choice and so is setting up a couple of paper bag tunnels. 另一個愛叫的原因也有可能是來自於激勵不足。請確定你每天都有花足夠的時間陪貓咪玩,而且人不在家時,也有留下足夠的事情給他們作。一個足以讓貓俯瞰到窗外小鳥餵食器的貓樹是個不錯的選擇(店長note.但是很貴~~也可以透過櫃子的組合或在牆面釘層板跳台來取代),或幾個紙箱做成的貓隧道也不錯。

An older cat may vocalize at night after everyone has gone to bed. As she walks through the darkened, quiet house, her declining senses may cause her to become disoriented. Consult your veterinarian to make sure this isn’t the case. In some cases, it helps just to call out to the yowling older kitty to let her more easily find you.年紀大的貓咪也會在大家都入睡後的夜晚嚎叫。當他走在又黑又安靜的屋子裡時,退化的感官會讓他失去判斷力。請請教獸醫以確保不是這樣的狀況。有時候這種嚎叫只是用來幫助年紀大的貓咪更容易找到你。



Pam Johnson-Bennett 網站: 

註1. 轉向攻擊(redirected aggression):簡單的舉個例來說,店長自己家養的兩隻貓咪一言不合打起來,店長很笨用手去勸架,把其中一隻抱起來,結果這隻就轉頭咬了店長一口,這個就是貓咪的轉向攻擊。當貓咪正在進行或打算進行某種威脅性的行為時,卻被第三者干擾,會轉向攻擊這個第三者,此第三者可能是貓或人或其他動物。



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